Life with Dad

Caring for someone with dementia, you have to laugh to keep from crying.

Location: Texas

This blog is a reflection on being a member of the "sandwich generation". We are those sandwiched between aging parents who need care and/or help and their own children. After an extensive remodel of our house, we moved my parents in with us. Dad has Alzheimer’s, which adds complications to the situation.

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Breakfast fun

My husband helps Dad get up, showered, and dressed on weekend mornings. This morning, my husband got Dad to the breakfast table, prepared his coffee (3 spoonfuls of decaf, sugar and fat-free French Vanilla with a spoonful of sweetner--ugh), helped him with his banana, and prompted him to take his morning meds.

I had assumed my husband had also poured milk on Dad's cereal. Bad assumption. When Dad realized that there wasn't any milk on his cereal, he dropped his pills in it and started pouring his coffee over it. Cheerios and way too sweet fake coffee--yum. I caught him before he had poured very much, fished out his pills, and poured the milk. He ate the Cheerios with diluted fake coffee and milk. What does this tell you about the effect Alzheimer's has on taste?


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