Life with Dad

Caring for someone with dementia, you have to laugh to keep from crying.

Location: Texas

This blog is a reflection on being a member of the "sandwich generation". We are those sandwiched between aging parents who need care and/or help and their own children. After an extensive remodel of our house, we moved my parents in with us. Dad has Alzheimer’s, which adds complications to the situation.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Money Matters

Money is a common theme among individuals with dementia. This is especially true for Dad. He switches between thinking that he has no money at all and that we are stealing from him to thinking that he is extremely rich. Tonight he was rich.

"I'm the richest man in Texas, that is what I am."

"I'm THE richest man in Texas, I thank God for that."

"How much money do I have. None of your damn business."

"I'm the richest man in Texas. I have four children."

"Dr. Smith said I could feed all four of my children the same thing because I'm the richest man in Texas."

"I'm the richest man in Texas. I have millions and millions of dollars."

"I line my four kids up, two sets of twins, and kiss them good night every night because I love them very much."

"I have four kids because I'm the richest man in Texas."

"I have 100 million dollars, so I'm the richest man in Texas."

"I love my 8 children very much. I kiss them every night."

"I'm very tired because I'm the richest man in Texas."


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