Life with Dad

Caring for someone with dementia, you have to laugh to keep from crying.

Location: Texas

This blog is a reflection on being a member of the "sandwich generation". We are those sandwiched between aging parents who need care and/or help and their own children. After an extensive remodel of our house, we moved my parents in with us. Dad has Alzheimer’s, which adds complications to the situation.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Shades of Hamlet

Last night, Dad was his father’s ghost. He was allowed to come back from the dead to tell us that he was in heaven. Dad repeated several times that he was a ghost. Dad’s speech is slurring so much of the time now that I can’t catch exactly what he is saying. All I can get is the repeated words and phrases. As his father’s ghost, he talked about the heathen. I’m not sure whether or not he said they were in heaven. He did talk about good outweighing bad, which is a Seventh Day Adventist doctrine.

At the restaurant, green beans and mashed potatoes were once again finger food. He did have better luck eating his chicken fried steak with his fork, dropping only a few pieces in his lap.


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