"Curiouser and curiouser!" cried Alice (Alice In Wonderland)
Either my Dad is Lewis Carroll or my grandmother followed the White Rabbit down a hole...
My grandmother's side of the family is small. Even the ones of "average" size have small bones. Little Papa was really little and Big Mama was at most average size. Their children, especially the girls, were 5 feet or less. My grandfather, on the other hand, was close to if not above 6 feet tall. So, my grandparents had a difference in height of about 1 foot.
Last night Dad decided that this difference in height must have bothered my grandfather.
"My mother grew two inches in height to make my father happy. My father wanted her to be taller, so she grew two inches. It made my father happy that my mother grew two inches."
However, this magical growth wasn't without complications.
"My mother went to the bank to cash a check but the bank didn't recognize her. She had grown two inches in height, and the bank didn't know who she was. The bank told her she had to lose those two inches if she wanted the bank to recognize her."
"My mother lost two inches in height, and the bank was very happy. They said that they now recognized her as Mrs. Willam T. P--- and that they would always recognize her as Mrs. William T. P---. The bank recognizes people by their height, and that as long as she stayed the same height, they would recognize her as Mrs. William T. P---."
This went on for over 3 hours....
By the end, I was expecting to see a white rabbit with a pocket watch worrying about being late.
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